
Planet Earth

Welcome to Planet Earth Museum, a museum where you can learn some interesting facts about the world we live in.
‘There are many amazing places on Earth. Who knows, maybe you’ll see them all one day! Where shall we go first, children?’
Forests are home to over half of the world’s animals and plants. Trees clean the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe.
We destroy more than 36 football fields of forests every minute and throw away thousands of trees in paper and card every day.
The oceans are home to millions of marine animals. They absorb the sun’s heat, transfer it to the atmosphere and move it around the world.
A lot of the rubbish we produce on land pollutes the oceans. Turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and die when they eat them.
At opposite ends of the world, the Arctic and Antarctic are freezing cold lands. It is so cold that the sea is covered in ice.
The fuel we use for energy makes the climate warmer. As it gets warmer, the ice melts and the sea rises. The land disappears.
Rivers collect rain water and carry it to the oceans. Along the way, plants absorb and clean the water so it is safe for us to drink.
This is a green world, where people respect nature and live a long and healthy life. Wouldn’t you like to live here?

2. Write out the unfamiliar words

3. Let’s speak about our Planet and its problems. What can we do to help?

This entry was posted in English.

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